Thursday, May 5, 2016

Wildflowers and more

These flowers are my favorite so far this week... Low growing wildflowers in the woods. So pretty!

A tiny creek running in our woods after a day or two of rain...

A close up of a dandelion

Trees in the hedgerow behind the field. They're trying to show a little green!

More violets... Against a backdrop of a large clay pot.

Our tulips opened up this week! This one is pictured against a backdrop of snow flowers, although their little white snow flowers haven't appeared yet.

A shaggy bark hickory tree. I love it's tiered, peeling bark...

This robin turned it's little beak toward me just long enough to snap one clear picture.

Sometimes I wonder if squirrels fall asleep upside down like this... They rest so still on the side of a tree.

A little woodpecker was hopping around the tree with our neighbor's land in the backdrop.

This is the last picture I was able to take of the little fox pups. They have since left their den... I wonder if they are now out living in the surrounding hedgerows and creeks?

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you are having a great week! God bless, Danielle

1 comment:

  1. Danielle, this is a wonderful site! Absolutely beautiful! Love you!
